Pro Libertas.

Pro Texana.
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.
Ronald Reagan40th President of the United States

Our Mission

Young Conservatives of Texas Foundation, a non-partisan educational foundation, has been committed to educating the next generation of leaders on conservative values for more than 15 years in the Lone Star State.

Foundation Leadership

Will Dominguez
Vice President
Caroline Chadwick
Nate Dunning
Board Member
Kevin Crusius
Board Member
Mikel Moore
Board Member
Bryce Trull
Board Member

Our Work


The Young Conservatives of Texas Foundation provides college students with a conservative education during their time in college. From the first moment a student visits their University’s organization fair to the time they graduate, YCT students receive an education that they will not receive in the classroom. Students receive education from attending meetings, listening to guest speakers, participating in tabling events, and being active within their University’s community. While most of our students go into careers not related to politics, each student graduates from YCT with the skills to be an educated productive citizen in their community. YCT alumni have gone on to work in almost every sector of the economy serving as doctors, lawyers, and business leaders. In the political field, our alumni have gone on to serve at different levels of elected officials including:  

  • US Senator Rand Paul 
  • Congressman Jeb Hensarling
  • State Senator Bryan Hughes
  • State Representative Jodie Laubenberg
  • RPT Chairman Steve Munisteri

Our alumni work in and around both the Texas Capitol and in Washington DC to help support the conservative movement.

Annual Convention

Every spring, students, alumni, and supporters rally at the Young Conservatives of Texas  Convention. This convention is one of the largest gatherings of conservatives in the state of Texas. Our students receive a first-rate conservative education at this event on the full spectrum of conservative thought including both fiscal and social issues. Previous keynote speakers include:

  • Senator Ted Cruz
  • Senator John Cornyn
  • Governor Rick Perry
  • Congressman Chip Roy
  • Attorney General Ken Paxton

Our students hear from elected officials, think tank leaders, and grassroots members who further educate them on conservative issues. Our annual convention also provides an opportunity for alumni and supporters to meet the current leaders of YCT.

Special Projects

As the largest college conservative organization in the state of Texas, YCT takes pride in properly educating both its members and the public about politics in the state of Texas. Our education takes a variety of forms. 

Our campus chapters provide their students with the opportunity to be a part of a conservative community on their college campuses. They also provide the local community with the opportunity to hear from different conservative leaders and speakers.

Contact Us

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Young Conservatives of Texas Foundation is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax-deductible and used to research and inform the public generally concerning matters of public policy in the Lone Star State.

IRS 990 Forms (EIN: 02-0729586):